Comply with European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
Trade deforestation-free commodities in the European market.

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Cost effective compliance ready data

Cost effective compliance ready data

SatSure Sparta delivers a cost-effective solution enabling traders and operators to meet EUDR requirements for four key commodities and their derived products. Uphold compliance standards without compromising profit margins, through customized reporting solutions.
Analyze deforestation status at scale

Analyze deforestation status at scale

Leverage SatSure’s cutting-edge satellite remote sensing capabilities to empower clients with near real-time deforestation detection in direct accordance with EUDR definitions with industry leading accuracy.

Ensure Timely Adherence to EUDR

The EUDR requires compliance post 31st December 2020 and the transactional periods for small businesses and large organizations are different. Download our e-book to know more about the EUDR timelines and how to comply with them.

Penalties for non-compliance

Penalties for non-compliance include fines of up to 4% of the company's annual revenue, reputational damage, and potential exclusion from the EU market.

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Learn more about the combination of satellite remote sensing and traceability solutions for EUDR with our ebook.

EUDR compliance requires access to archival information, remote access to deforestation information and digitisation of information for robust traceability solutions. Our ebook lays out the solution offerings for EUDR compliance with SatSure Sparta. We also have a unique case study captured where we help our client comply to EUDR for their coffee estate in South East Asia.

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